How Delicate is Examining Malware Shielded by Themida and VMProtect – SOC/DFIR Data

Researchers analyzed six malware families that are the usage of the protectors Themida and VMProtect. No longer one amongst the samples faded code virtualization, severely simplifying the analysis, as easiest one pattern had anti-debugging enabled. 

The malware code itself used to be largely unprotected, excluding for the initial phases of compression and decryption. While practically all samples had encrypted/obfuscated strings, easiest two obfuscated their C2 servers.


RisePro is stealer malware that makes utilize of protectors love Themida and VMProtect. Examining RisePro samples crammed with Themida and VMProtect confirmed that these protectors had been faded for simple packing and supplied faded security. 

AD 4nXdYeZJ p26nU2LpdImZqxeJHvrV2ZKXnj6v OEZ302 YWo qtc0AqzSRokL oP7sfl7D1z71JUTHEIl1 nCnq RWird5TxiMOlwVbZPVf3HgDv qe 7hWmpGMheAZbkP sguYdD6K7InXZahCD7EIUu2Ie7nGl c91sBBk S3iil5SFAhlueg?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
samples chanced on with Themida and VMProtect. 

The researchers had been ready to unpack the samples the usage of breakpoints and debuggers. The unpacked code printed readable code and functionalities love loading encrypted strings and C2 verbal exchange

The analysis additionally concluded that the string security performance belonged to RisePro itself, no longer the protectors, and observed an identical unpacking ideas for diverse malware families, much like PrivateLoader, Amadey, Arkei, and Lumma.

AD 4nXfcB8A50 lrXuYCMKQBfO5ELZmOm96hm7d p0WnlWQ81PO4rcP14bu5iOsLiv37DG8dxa9b DBtGlfSBAZPEjCxm hTD MzlTAJ3BH2 oL4Z33S8nRoOIBFL4NMU y2WEDILCmMrHsFW70G302f0TlGua4h4Z4lFXFyvQbq9EN1HbMj1 Vhrw?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
breakpoint on the loading of any system DLL

The PrivateLoader pattern, in difference to RisePro, makes utilize of a easy XOR algorithm to decrypt the C2 server address in discipline of storing it straight in the dump, which is attainable by simulating the code or stepping thru it with a debugger. 

AD 4nXcjg9QKYO 8BdJyBc6RMIPbQhqB smD0gZ62mMANNAO2UsrULkRU4w5mtTUhhGqCeI86gEtsMioOnXObTltw 9C rREgBbDwdzm3itfEZl9 b87Md0NsFGKdHqJgsfwnjRtc mxHW6NK1V qR9uFdudY7ldJ8f8 16BPMSHqAEuDeTLrASs Q?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
Code to assassinate the C2

Arkei samples are crammed with VMProtect, a packer that hinders analysis, and unpacking the pattern reveals readable code accountable for loading capabilities from external libraries. 

The unpacked recordsdata comprises the C2 server address, significant for attacker verbal exchange, which implies that Arkei is a malicious program designed to be in contact with a expose and alter server.

AD 4nXclTeCDyvnd GyY2U K bwT2ygIq76Nno sasVt8cPsac8hks090F 4SExEUQlYPC3REUMETaJCGbu2CwqDsvzAfD22 Kc4FbwYSYFPga3sfbxjqwk2bLBXkeSJeGPvQUP3QaqEZb1D ShIAhqVdNLoUqHqHd7XEP1zKpMW14RhkWB6hrON0jM?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
readable code that hundreds the significant capabilities from libraries

Lumma, a malware pattern crammed with VMProtect, employs obfuscation ideas. The unpacked code reveals alter movement flattening, dividing the just into numbered blocks. 

A loop iterates, selecting which block to pause with every pass, making it complicated to investigate the code’s dazzling performance. Additionally, a C2 server address during the dump indicates the malware’s verbal exchange capabilities.

AD 4nXfwNFj0U9EEf5njG0sHjBa34bCF3ZNrtQMo7XHppWBdBsLWPFikePjMY9PUaIdkA9HDkf61NvgISaXtS uqtLl8KY9cQWz1UBwWOQjMLFV4puysraRDeQ1qh fWYyveGHkIAA9Ff86fxlnuMMpSsdKn bBp4aaxzt0apd6Lqm yLqp3N6PQdc0?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
 C2 server in the dump

The Amadey malware pattern, crammed with Themida, hides strings in memory unless kernel.appcore.dll hundreds, which additionally employs anti-debugging mechanisms. By the usage of a debugger with performance love TitanHide, we are able to bypass these tests and attain the kernel.appcore.dll loading stage. 

AD 4nXdejZUv7 OdNo3BFPerFFHIeq8ELY8VjfGtJ7JhFIC6sU0MRS7e79COm8YQMbrbuwEKVlgs8DxLrlNqYeH9oiX9wLBmDrVjTtlVM1j qacMu95lbuoWu0Je9RmgSnyu3hAzPTE5o7QBnyDewWYSUSexfYXFq5KDJ8GBDeaXLjMiLmOkGm4UdH4?key=L AZfyQvbBSfvMVkYKLFoQ
 base64-encoded strings in encrypted salvage

After that, well-liked memory dump ideas could even be faded. On the other hand, the extracted strings are encrypted and base64-encoded, however additional decryption (the usage of Amadey’s custom shuffling algorithm) and base64 decoding are required to present the usual recordsdata. 

Examining malware samples crammed with Themida and VMProtect printed a pattern: they continually lack stepped forward components love virtualization, making them more straightforward to reverse engineer, which depend on total packers that provide minimal obfuscation.Â

Who is ANY.RUN?

In step with ANY.RUN, the most well-known challenges to malware analysis stem from the obfuscation ideas employed by the malware itself, much like string obfuscation and C2 concealment, in discipline of the packing tools themselves.

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